Article No.: 8100



MB 236.21; VW G 052 182 / TL 052 182 / G 052 529 A2; BMW DCTF-1 / FFL-4 / MTF-5; CHRYSLER 68044345EA; Mitsubishi Dia Quenn SSTF-I / MZ320065; Porsche 999.917.080.00; Volvo 1161838 / 1161839; Ford WSS-M2C936-A; Fiat 9.55550-MZ6; PSA 9734.S2

Premium HC-Synthetic Dual Clutch Transmission Fluid

OWS ATF DSG II is a specially formulated HC-Synthetic transmission fluid. It has been exclusively developed for application in new Audi, Volkswagen group dual clutch transmission. The dual clutch transmission gearbox is a highly developed, complex high-tech component, which creates extremely demanding requirements for the transmission fluid.

Standard Colour: Colourless

CONTENT: 1L, 4L, 5L BOTTLE, 20L, 25L PAIL, 60L, 200L DRUM, 1000L IBC